Lovely people, things are tough right now.
There are those, like me, who choose not to be extremely vocal about the negativity happening for fear that it will be misconstrued. I don't want something I say to be taken the wrong way. Have you ever said something and then it comes right back and bites you in the derriere? Rest assured that if you have, you are not alone.
So, how are you holding up?
If you've accidentally been bit in the tuchus with a post you've shared, written, or commented on, it happens.
You may have lost friends or followers over it. I feel for you.
If you're a spectator and you're just watching things unfold around you, may I encourage you to not watch the news? The media seems to be encouraging pitting people against each other.
Do you remember taking a personality profile before, maybe for a job? I remember a question that said, "People are basically good." It was an agree or disagree kind of question. I believed that yes, people are basically good then, and I still do now.
Find good things to recognize in someone today. Look for them on purpose. We can all see good if we try.
One way that I've seen good is to see a need and to fill a need through Community Healthcore and Carter BloodCare. They're offering a Blood Drive Monday, June 15th in Longview. It requires signup, so if you'd like to join me in donating blood, click here to schedule your time.
Be safe. Be wise. Be kind.
P.S. If you're emotions or anxiety are taking a toll on you, I have a health coach who has taught me breathing exercises to help. Feel free to message me if you'd like to control those issues.
#communityhealthcore #carterbloodcare #donateblood #supportnonprofits #giveblood #seeaneedfillaneed
Jun 10, 2020, 3:33:24 PM
Zoe Martin - Thanks, Jennifer! I appreciate your prayers, sweet lady.
Jun 10, 2020, 1:30:21 PM
Jennifer Petticoffer - Great idea! You’re always encouraging and others-minded. Praying for you, too! Cheers to you, Zoe.