Let's talk about stock photography. Those images you can get online that everyone else has access to. The ones where models are coached into a pose. You know what I'm talking about. The photographs where the models got paid to have their image taken so you could pay the business to use their image? Those are the ones I want you to think of when you read this.
We've all seen them. There are several stock photography businesses where you can search a plethora of images wasting precious time to locate that one image you need to match the content you'd like to post about.
What if you had Custom Stock Photography that was made to intentionally match the content you're going to post?
When you book a Personal Brand Photography Session I help you consider what upcoming posts you're wanting to share during our consultation. We'll talk about any specials you may like to offer or recognition you'd like to give to a person or product. Basically, we're going to brainstorm what images will work best with your content.
Whether you're needing Personal Brand Photography for your website or social media posts, you'll attract your ideal clients when your images match your content. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Put your face on the Home page of your website and use it for your profile image on social media accounts. I know, "What?! My work is my business, not me." This is where I put in a plug to help you understand that YOU are your brand. I was guilty of only having an image of me on my About page until recently. I had the talented Jenn Robbins look over my website and help rearrange some things. She pointed out that having my face on the front page could help increase interest because people are in a hurry; they may not click on the About page of a website. Allowing them to see my face and read a little about what I do upfront would encourage them to browse my site more.
Have you ever not put your face as a profile image when you made a new account? Do you know other people who don't put an image of any kind in their profile? When you're wanting to do business with someone, are you more likely to choose an account where someone shows you their face as the profile or the one without their face? The one with it, for sure. Now, how many of you have your face anywhere on the first page of your website? I'm just going to leave that right here. I hope you'll consider adding your profile image to the Home page of your site.
I'm sure you're like me. I prefer to do business with someone that I know. It's nice to recognize people and to be recognized when you are out and about in the community. Sometimes people know my business name, which is my actual name, and I am tickled whenever someone I don't know says they love the work I did for their friend or coworker. They don't know me personally, but they recognize me by my face.
Creating Custom Stock Photography during your Branding Session will allow you to have specific images to match your written content. Posts with images get more engagement than posts without them. Your website has a Contact page. Let's get a photo of you working on your computer, on your phone, or Ipad. This is where we can get personal. By having a photo that isn't just a model no one knows, but having you be that recognizable face or your recognizable watch, rings, or computer sleeve, that will add interest to your page.
This same thing is true for any image we take of you regardless of where you post it. We can make a Custom Stock Library of images that are personalized just for you and your business. Whether ten will do or you need three months worth, I'm the photographer for you! Contact me to set up a consultation and let's get you one step closer to reaching your ideal clients.
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