Being a child in a single parent home isn’t easy. I know, I’ve been there. But my Mom came home from work and made dinner many nights while we were in that situation.
What if she hadn’t? If she hadn’t had a job? If she didn’t get paid? If very little, if any, food was in our house?
What if she wasn’t around? If she had other places she stayed overnight? If she chose not to come home? If she wound up in jail?
Before I go on, let me tell you that there’s an increase in the number of single Dads whose children are in these same situations.
What if the help they received wasn’t just a meal? What if it wasn’t just clothes for their children? What if it was more than a place to sleep comfortably?’
Recently I met with Brenda Day Bevis to learn about D.O.R.S., Developing Opportunities Realizing Success program. To know that they are the only social services agency in all of East Texas providing holistic services to these youth in transition breaks my heart.
Yes, there are other places where they can get a meal, lay their head, or receive clothing, but no where else can they make a life plan and learn life skills needed to change existing life circumstances.
Brenda could tell you story after story of the youth ages 15-25 that have come in and out of the program that would bring a tear to your eye and realize the compassion she has for these young people. When I came home from our meeting, that I thought would be an hour and turned into two and a half hours, I told my husband I didn’t know if I’d be able to keep interviewing nonprofits like this. I want to help them all.
Before someone qualifies to participate in the program they are required to complete a Transition Plan. The main idea behind D.O.R.S. is to help these people take care of themselves and their children, if any. Each participant is in the program voluntarily, so that says they are seeking the choice to better themselves.
100% of the young people at D.O.R.S. are living in poverty
facing barriers like unstable unaffordable housing, hunger, need for gainful employment, no transportation,
no childcare, no support system and others.
Since there’s no “one size fits all” in life, there are individualized processes that are taken for each participant in the program. It’s tailored to the needs of each young person who walks through D.O.R.S.
“It takes a village” it’s been said. How can you help?
Volunteer. Clerical/receptionist assistance, mentors, especially teachers are needed.
In-Kind Donation. Various household, kitchen, and bath items are needed in addition to bedding, bicycles, bus passes and even food.
Memorial Gift. Honor the memory of your loved one with an impactful gift.
Financial Donation. One-time or periodic cash gifts, on-going drafts, deeds, stocks, or even securities are necessary to help with transitional housing, transportation, instructional programs and more. Credit card donations can be made here.
If you would like to keep up with their most recent activities, please see their Facebook page.
#volunteer #dors #youthtransition #communityfirst #easttexas #longviewtx #supportthecommunity #lendahand #nonprofit #beahero #zoemartinphotography
Apr 16, 2019, 4:15:31 PM
Zoe Martin - I am so glad you're interested. If you'll go to the hyperlink in the blog post they can help you with any information that you need. I'm out of the studio this week.
Apr 15, 2019, 2:56:18 PM
Hollie Hamilton - Seeking information regarding program.
Aug 21, 2018, 12:07:25 PM
Zoe Martin - So impressed with your program!
Aug 21, 2018, 10:15:18 AM
Brenda Day-Bevis - All pictures are okay to go!