"I never understood the love of a mother till I became one myself." How true this statement is.
To all the mothers reading this, Happy Mother's Day! The one time a year when children and hubbys (yes, I know it's not a real word, spellcheck) take a moment to think of you.
There was a time when My Sweet Baboo and I thought we wouldn't be able to have children. Somewhere I'd read that adopting from a foreign country was not as complicated as adopting from the states. Knowing this, I went to my husband and suggested we consider that option. Around the same time, I heard about foreign exchange student opportunities in our city.
I was at work when I got the call. (it's all coming back to me now) Originally, I had just contacted the agency to enquire what would be involved in taking a student in. We had just moved to Ponca City, started new jobs, taken in a full grown Dalmatian puppy, and were wanting to add to our chaos. This is where my young, crazy mind thought taking in a teenage student from overseas would be a test run for adopting a baby from across the globe. (insert laughter here) A teenager is far different from a baby in so many regards. But, I also like to fill needs - the mother in me - so I couldn't allow this young person who'd pinned hopes and dreams on coming to America - to just be sent somewhere else after all she must have already been through.
Back to the call; I remember the nice man asking if we were able to take in a student right away. Well....we did have a two bedroom house, but no furniture in the second bedroom. He quickly informed me that he could provide a twin sized bed. Then my co-worker let me know that she was moving soon and had a dresser and matching vanity that we could have. So, it was settled. Yes, we would host a foreign exchange student from Macedonia. We'd meet her that night.
Talk about a whirlwind! Magdalena was so sweet. She had a great big smile and beautiful eyes to match! We didn't have any hesitation about allowing her to move in. I could tell you so much about her. I still have the paperwork the agency gave us with pictures of her family and the why she wanted to study abroad. But, I'll keep it to myself. We love her and keep in touch with her to this day.
The end of the school year was approaching. It was our two year anniversary. My amazing husband planned a weekend getaway for us, which was a complete surprise! While we were gone I informed him that I thought I was finally pregnant. I was right. Mag flew back to us to meet our baby girl shortly after she was born. Three babies later, I'm so thankful for the blessing of being a Mom! Wouldn't trade it for the world!
PS These images are of a wonderful family we met shortly after moving to Longview. We had so much fun together!