Can you believe it?! We got the keys today, March 15. Almost two weeks after we expected to close in Longview, we’re here!! What an interesting buying and selling experience that was. I hope we never have to endure that again.
You may not have known, not sure how I didn’t think of telling you sooner, but the kids and I only saw internet images of the house my husband chose for us. He didn’t have a lot of time as the house we sold was only listed for 2 days before we accepted an offer.
Being that he had an afternoon to look, he chose from slim pickings. We liked a house in Marshall, but it sold before he got to see a second time. The one he found is in an older neighborhood, so it’s well established and quiet. There is some lovely landscaping, a deck, and a covered patio.
Inside the house is a room for everyone. When our realtor, Julie Woods, showed him this one she pointed out that the front room would be a great space for my studio. It is. I can hardly wait to get into it and set it all up.
For now, we’ve got tons of unpacking to do. The movers brought the truck that has 22 years worth of stuff we can’t seem to let go of in it. I foresee a large garage sale in the near future.
One step closer,