This young lady is one fun-loving girl. She takes almost any kind of pencil and draws, writes, and colors something creatively. She's happy to spend hours getting even the littlest detail right. I'm not quite that patient. I guess we all have our own creative outlets.
In the world of personal branding, this is a photography session of a "story". This is the story of how she likes to spend her free time. One day she hopes to be an illustrator. At the moment, she hasn't been enrolled in a college, but that doesn't mean she won't ever be. If she decides to go somewhere, I'm okay with that and if she decides not to, I'm okay with that too.
When she was a little girl, her Daddy and I took her to church and dedicated her to the Lord. The entire church prayed with us that we'd have wisdom in raising her. She's a good person and is very helpful and kind. The other day I mentioned that I wanted homemade strawberry lemonade. She took it upon herself to purchase several pounds of lemons and strawberries. Then she spent over an hour and a half squeezing, washing, and cutting fruit to make this lemonade.
At a very young age, before she was even born, her Daddy read to her. As she got older she would take handfuls of books home from the library at a time. It was a great day when the kids earned a library book bag from a summer reading program. For the most part, they were able to fit their books into their own bags to carry home. It's no wonder that she enjoys drawing and coloring so much. She's seen too many different illustrations over the years.
One day, if her dream becomes a reality, she'll have all kinds of 'originals' to look back on. If not, she'll still have them and all the memories that go along with them.
My creative outlet is definitely photography. I keep wandering the city finding locations and things to photograph. It will be a happy day when I get to go inside and photograph some of the people in the buildings I see. I'm very much looking forward to it. What about you, what's your creative outlet?
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