So you've decided that your business needs to rebrand. Likely you've either Googled "web designer" or a "graphic designer" to learn more about what that entails. Here's something you need to consider, you'll want to have fantastic images for your designer to work with. What's a business professional to do? {{lightbulb}}
There are some options. One is to use the stock photography that other people have at their disposal. Likely you've seen the same images of the coffee mug at the desk or the computer from above? You know the ones, the same ones we scroll past. But, what about the custom stock images? The ones where you recognize the face of the person doing something you like to do. That is the one that stops you to read more, right?
Of course, the more often you actually have something in common with a person, the more likely you are to have an interest in what they have to say. Why? Because they are relatable. When you book a session with me I will ask questions that uncover things you may not have even considered about your business. Some of the things I'll ask may take you a little while to answer. That's okay. The idea is to make you think.
After we've discussed what you want your potential clients to know, we'll plan your session based on those thoughts. Are you wanting to appeal to hunters? Let's photograph you getting your camouflage jacket on, loading gear in your truck, and out in the field. Maybe you'd like for people to choose healthy eating habits? We'll step into the kitchen and capture you preparing fresh fruits and vegetables at the sink, slicing them from across the counter, and you enjoying the final delectable dish. Maybe you want clients that are givers? I can be there when you are doing community service, preparing bags of necessities for women in crisis, organizing canned goods for those in need.
What's important is to have images that convey your brand. If you've followed me for any amount of time, you know that YOU are your brand and #yourbrandisunique! No doubt you're hearing about "branding" from LinkedIn, networking events, and of course, me. Is there really something to it? Undoubtedly, yes! Rachel from RKA Inc was part of a class I'm taking about Personal Branding. Rachel's business is customized web design. She stated that while people may come to her with ideas and think they need to hire her to build their site, if they haven't invested in custom photographs, they need to do that first. She goes so far as to tell them that it's better to have their branding images done using a budget website than to have okay images with a customized website build.
And that puts us here. Here at this moment. Do you already have a session booked to rebrand your images? If not, you can contact me and learn more or you can drop me a comment and I'll reply soon.
Obviously I want to help you get noticed! This may come as a shock to you, but there are many other photographers in east Texas. I'm "the new kid on the block" still. That doesn't deter me a bit. I know that when it comes time for businesses to think about something that needs to change, I anticipate someone mentioning me, THE business branding photographer, to them. That's something that sets me apart. I cater to businesses. Your brand is my business venture.
Message me and let's put this to the test!
Talk to you soon,
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